"High Freakquency" (1998) is a comedy film directed by Tony Singletary and written by Rob Gomes. The movie stars John Witherspoon, Marcus Chong, A.J. Johnson, Paul Mooney, Michael Colyar, and Deon Richmond. It was released in theaters in 1998 and was mostly on television in '99. The late '90s saw an influx of Black movies that went largely unnoticed. Many were low-budget but had relevant cast members who were familiar faces in Black entertainment. B.E.T. picked up many of these films for their movie slots, but over time, they faded out of circulation.
Director: Tony Singletary
Writer: Rob Gomes
Starring John Witherspoon, Marcus Chong, A.J. Johnson, Deon Richmond, Ajai Sanders, Cory Tyler, Michael Colyar, Paul Mooney, Iona Morris, Joe Clair, Roxanne Reese, Willard E. Pugh, Aonika Laurent, David Labiosa, Kimberly Brooks, Adina Howard, Freez Luv
FM 24/7 is the top R&B station in L.A. and the most outrageous! Program Director Wes Thomas (John Witherspoon) keeps the money rolling in. At the same time, he works at being white and presides over personalities like Nubian Princess (Iona Morris), Warm Daddy (Michael Colyar), and the Love Doctor (Paul Mooney). However, the real brain is Jordan (Marcus Chong), who knows what the public wants.